You are invited to discover my experiences with the HeilÜben exercises in healing my rheumatoid arthritis firsthand. I share my knowledge and my experiences in unmasking and reducing harmful stress with you that I have made while healing my RA.
Using my body postures and movements, I learned to recognise the difference between healthy tension and relaxation on the one hand and excessive tension and its consequences on the other.
My HeilÜben exercises in basics, technique and application are my approach to unmasking and eliminating harmful stress and tension. They serve as passing on experience, not as a medical or therapeutic diagnosis or treatment or a substitute for them.
To me, the HeilÜben execises meant healing my rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Affected by RA, I dearly wished I could get well again. I went down a long and painful road through life with the inflammatory joint disease until I realized that I could help myself to fulfil my desire for health.
From then on, I created my HeilÜben [German for healing exercises]. Through trial and error, I learned to understand the effectiveness of each element by whether my pain, swelling, and inflammation de- and mobility increased.
So, in my search for effective exercises, I could observe the temporal correlation between every correctly created exercise and a degression of my disease and my general condition – up until the point when my RA healed.
In “My time with rheumatoid arthritis and my healing with the HeilÜben exercises” (read more), I have put together detailed descriptions of my experiences, so let me just give you a brief overview here:
1994: Diagnosis of incipient aggressive rheumatoid arthritis with a severe disease progression at the age of 24
06/1996: Discontinuation of medical treatment (Not recommended for imitation! The consequences were unforeseeable for me at the time.)
06/1996 to 12/1996: Gradual exit of inflammation, pain, and chronic course due to my HeilÜben exercises
01/1997 to 3/2001: Some isolated and decreasingly occurring early stimuli without inflammation
Today: For over 20 years, my rheumatoid arthritis has healed without medication, surgery, or any change in diet.
I am pleased to announce my book as of the end of 2025:
Out of Rheumatoid Arthritis!
Say “hello” to your body.
In its own language.
My experiences with the HeilÜben exercises during RA in basics, technique, and application
A holistic, interdisciplinary self-help model to support self-awareness in stress-related chronic inflammatory diseases by improving biopsychosocial self-regulation. Presented by the example of a strategy of self-empowerment to reduce stress in dealing with the chronic inflammatory process in rheumatoid arthritis due to joint overload due to excessive tension in posture and movement.